Parking - in Portuguese - starts with the letter "E " (Estacionar).
The letter "E" crossed by a red stripe means "no parking". Short breaks are allowed, with the blinker turned on the car (see the van appear in a photo).
The letter "E" crossed by a red "X" means "No parking or stopping the car. " In this situation even quick stops are not allowed.
4 comentários:
what is that 'E' sign means..?
Hello gedek!
Parking - in Portuguese - starts with the letter "E " (Estacionar).
The letter "E" crossed by a red stripe means "no parking". Short breaks are allowed, with the blinker turned on the car (see the van appear in a photo).
The letter "E" crossed by a red "X" means "No parking or stopping the car. " In this situation even quick stops are not allowed.
Best wishes.
O ruim do local é que não possui muitos atrativos, somente prédios históricos, sobreviventes do "Caminho do Meio"...
Além da poluição pela manhã.
Forte abraço!
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